-====================================================-Brief statement of Bad and Good consequences
experienced by Tim Wilmot
as a direct result of local government and police criminality,
backed up by an inadequate system
of law, democratic representation, and investigative media. -====================================================- -====================================================- The Bad -====================================================-1. Tim Wilmot lost in 1993:-
a. his reputation.
b. any access to business.
c. any possibility of a relationship with his family.
-====================================================-2. all of his property and business was destroyed.
-====================================================-3. Tim Wilmot had no basis to rebuild a business.
Tim Wilmot does not think like an employee.
-====================================================-4. Tim Wilmot claimed no benefits
until it was pointed out to him,
that if he did not,
the system would assume he had a big income,
and start assessing telephone numbers as income.
-====================================================-5. claiming benefits was uncomfortable,
but an education in why so many people hate government.
-====================================================-6. time flies.
-====================================================-7. in 2005,
Tim Wilmot's sister - Tess Wilmot
let slip
that their father had been blackmailed by police.
-====================================================-8. As his father was THE police weapon that destroyed him,
Tim Wilmot finally realised in 2005
that he would never receive justice,
and he decided to abandon his home
with no more than a rucksack and a tent,
and fast to death,
rather than submit to tyranny.
-====================================================-9. having found by accident
that he can live on £2 a day all in,
Tim Wilmot has sustained life for nearly six years,
without signing a single government form.
-====================================================-10. Tim Wilmot considers
that he has no basis for life
within a system that is dishonest and corrupt,
and will fast to death rather than submit,
when he is ready to.
-====================================================-11. from 1993 to 2011
( when he died ),
Tim Wilmot never spoke to his Father again.
Tim Wilmot did not attend the funeral.
-====================================================-12. In 1995 or thereabouts,
Tim Wilmot had a brief exchange with his Mother,
but it was not sustainable.
Although worth millions,
when she died in 2010,
Tim Wilmot was not even informed of the contents of her will.
Which strongly suggests
that Tim Wilmot's Mother thought he deserved nothing,
and that his brother and sister agree.
Tim Wilmot did not attend the funeral.
-====================================================-13. Tim Wilmot's younger brother, Mike,
has an estate of 200 acres,
with a 35 room country house,
and various other goodies.
Although built by Tim Wilmot's great grandfather,
with stones from his own quarries,
his brother thinks so little of family history,
he tried to flog the house and 30 acres,
but failed.
Tim Wilmot has let his brother know,
that although he will not contest the will
( for his Mother was free to do as she wished ),
when he left in 1979,
it was made absolutely clear
that Tim Wilmot wanted Cleeve to remain in the family.
So selling it breaks that wish,
leaving Tim Wilmot free to sue his brother.
-====================================================-14. even a portrait of his great grandmother
was sold in London for £9,600.
-====================================================-15. his sister, Tess Wilmot,
has only a poor quality house on a couple of acres.
-====================================================-16. it seems to be Tim Wilmot's fate
to not only have his own business destroyed,
but also,
due to the way the system destroyed his reputation,
and very basis for life in society,
destroyed any realistic link with his family
( who believe him mad,
because police said so ).
-====================================================-17. barring "Good Afternoon!" pleasantries
( for Tim Wilmot is not gratuitously rude ),
he has not properly spoken to his brother
since he burnt the furniture in 1980.
Nor has he once harmed his brother's interests.
-====================================================-18. his sister will talk,
but only on the basis
that Tim Wilmot fully accepts the status quo -
which is unreasonable -
so it never happens.
-====================================================- The Good -====================================================-1. it has not been easy.
-====================================================-2. Tim Wilmot was deeply angered
that his country could treat him so -
and was willing to not only ruin him,
but imprison him also,
for simply telling an unwelcome truth.
-====================================================-3. something died.
Nothing government or police ever said,
would ever be believed again.
-====================================================-4. Tim Wilmot had an absolute refusal
to accept the system's terms for life,
because self-evidently they were criminally corrupt.
-====================================================-5. had Tim Wilmot been sufficiently aware
of just how criminally corrupt the system is,
he would have used force
to obtain the evidence needed to prove his case,
because when the cause is just,
and the system is rotten,
properly applied force is a required duty,
if nothing else is really available.
What government
says is available,
and what is actually accessible,
are two entirely different things.
-====================================================-6. looking back,
Tim Wilmot is staggered
at just how corrupt government would have needed to be -
and demonstrated -
before sufficient trigger released the application of force.
-====================================================-7. the very fact
that Tim Wilmot was even considering the use of force -
if and when grossly excessive corruption occured -
demonstates just how extreme that corruption was,
in it's impact upon him.
-====================================================-8. had Tim Wilmot known in the early 1990s
that police blackmailed his father -
that would have been enough -
particularly if police had jailed him.
-====================================================-9. as it was this was concealed,
and as the values of government had proven worthless,
Tim Wilmot was obliged to seek higher values.
-====================================================-10. this lead to a development of mind and body,
through meditation,
and a martial art practiced since 1994.
-====================================================-11. from 1993 or 1994,
until 1996,
Tim Wilmot worked closely with a deep trance channeller,
would could at will leave his physical body vacant,
allowing spirit guides to enter the throat chakra,
and carry on a conversation,
while the body was in a state of suspended animation.
These ( roughly ) weekly conversations
were, literally, out of this world,
and transformed Tim Wilmot's understanding of life.
-====================================================-12. anger is a very destructive force,
and as the system is deliberately corrupt,
massive anger exists,
causing massive damage to society.
-====================================================-13. Tim Wilmot has been through a transformative process,
where the anger has over many years
been replaced with love.
That ought to be of value,
because Tim Wilmot is living proof it works,
whereas everything government does,
is massively expensive,
and almost totally ineffective.
-====================================================-14. Tim Wilmot recognises
that the system is crude and primitive,
and has withdrawn himself from such barbarity.
-====================================================-15. as the system is evil,
and as The People are made powerless by it,
Tim Wilmot teaches people
how to return bad energy to source,
using very simple spiritual tools.
-====================================================-16. Tim Wilmot uses only one law -
The Law of Karma,
and learnt of it's effectiveness
when several government lawyers ( rather nasty ),
warned by him of The Law of Karma,
began dying in rather horrible ways.
-====================================================-17. Tim Wilmot has developed the technique,
and other people are describing
how those with bad energy
get back what they put out.
-====================================================-18. as government and police are stuffed with bad energy,
Tim Wilmot believes
that this technique is vital for mankind's evolutionary growth.
-====================================================-19. Tim Wilmot created the word (R)evolution.
because (R)evolution is simply keeping peaceful evolution in mind,
rather than violent revolution.
-====================================================-20. Research indicates that (R)evolution works!
-====================================================-21. Spread The Word - (R)evolution!
-====================================================-22. Tim Wilmot is a free man,
who answers to no man,
to no man-made law,
and will never bow to government again,
unless government admits in full what it did.
-====================================================-23. Tim Wilmot will fast to death
rather than submit.
-====================================================-24. Tim Wilmot is available to teach these techniques,
should anyone wish to return bad energy to government,
without hate.
-====================================================-25. Tim Wilmot is The Poorest Man in Britain,
but also rather wealthy.
-====================================================-26. Tim Wilmot has trodden a path towards wisdom,
and paid an extraordinarilly high price for it.
-====================================================-27. if anyone recognises what Tim Wilmot has to offer,
and circumstances allow something good to be created,
that would be good.
-====================================================-28. how this can be done,
Tim Wilmot has no idea.
-====================================================-29. Tim Wilmot dropped his name in 2002 or so,
and the name Zen adopted him.
-====================================================-Zen is, after all, living your truth,
and Zen is just that.
-====================================================-30. Tim Wilmot is dead.
Tyranny killed him.
-====================================================-31. this society is riddled with tyranny,
but most accept it as "normal".
-====================================================-32. Neither Tim Wilmot nor Zen accept tyranny.
-====================================================-33. if circumstances warrant it,
Tim Wilmot will fast to draw public attention
to the (R)evolution concept.
-====================================================-34. to that end,
Zen is looking for a suitable place in the country,
owned by people who are spiritually aware,
for a very serious fast.
-====================================================-35. the system is evil,
and it must go.
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